Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tomato Hornworm

I would love to see the faces of each gardener who discovers the tomato hornworm munching the leaves off of their tomato plants.  First there is the disappointment of seeing the tomato plant defoliated.  Next, is the surprise of seeing this giant creature.  An average tomato hornworm is abouth the size of a thumb.  He looks ferocious but really isn't.

The hornworm caterpillar is named after the magenta colored "horn" which is at the posterior end of this lovely creature.

One tale tell sign of the tomato hornworm are the black colored feces which he deposits.  Often, they will fall on the ground or on nearby leaves.  If you see these little black pellets, start looking for him.  He camouflages himself beautifully on the plant and sometimes looks just like a leaf which has curled in half.

Video of the Infamous Tomato Hornworm

Watch this video with still photos and action video of the hornworm caterpillar.

People are fascinated when they discover this hornworm devouring the leaves of their tomato plants. Don't be startled but do remove him immediately*. He will defoliate the plant if left to his own devices.

This video shows the gardener's discovery. A bit squimish about touching the critter, she tries to use a stick to convince him to leave. Green Goo follows!

*Don't destroy the caterpillar if he is covered with what looks like white rice. These are beneficial wasps which will eventually cause his demise.